Victim warns of jewelry scam ahead of spring break

From our media partner at WOOD TV:

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — An old jewelry scam has reemerged as many people get ready to head off to their spring break destinations.

People who take cruises or vacation in a different country are coming across the scam.

Shirley Davidson and her husband were on a cruise to the western Caribbean when they got off the ship at port and went to a jewelry store called Diamonds International.

“There were probably 500 of us or more that went to this diamond seminar and we were led to believe that this is the only place in the world that you can buy this kind of diamond,” said Davidson.

She just wanted to look around at first, but then decided to buy a pair of earrings. That led to buying a necklace, bracelet and ring for a total purchase of $26,000.

“Everything just shines really pretty under the bright lights and the people were gushing all over us and we fell for it,” Davidson said.

After returning home, Davidson received an appraisal on her purchase and was told she would “be lucky” to get $12,000 for the jewelry.

“I felt that we were coerced and manipulated and certainly lied to,” Davidson said.

Click for more on the story courtesy of our media partner at WOOD TV.

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