Biden to Ban Russian Oil As Gas Prices Hit All Time High - FULL SHOW 3-8-22

Oil Pumpjack Overlooking the Westside of Los Angeles

Photo: Getty Images

Wes Bush joins in to give his plea for auto insurance reform.

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The Big Three 3-8-22

1 The price for a gallon of regular gasoline soared to a new record high of $4.14 yesterday, breaking the previous record of $4.11 set in 2008. Experts say the rapid spike in prices is squeezing many household budgets -- and won’t be slowing up any time soon.

2 Governor Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) Director Anita Fox announced Monday that $400 refund checks will start hitting mailboxes this week.

Every Michigander who has insured a vehicle on or before Oct. 31, 2021 will receive a $400 check per vehicle, or $80 per historic vehicle. The deadline for the checks to be sent by insurers is no later than May 9, which means that most Michiganders should be receiving their check(s) by the end of the week.

The refund is from a $3 billion surplus in funds from the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) fund that is used to ensure care for catastrophic accident survivors. The MCCA is still maintaining approximately $2 billion in surplus funds to ensure continuity of care for catastrophic accident survivors. 

The refund has been met with opposition because many catastrophic accident survivors are now being left with reduced care and increased medical bills. The $2 billion in surplus dollars left in the fund is meant to continue care for these individuals but many are saying it is not enough.

3 Florida became the first state to recommend heathy kids not get the Fauci Ouchie. Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, made the announcement yesterday causing a bit of controversy.

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